May flowers.
Flowers always cheer me up, whether they are real or depicted in jewelry. The bright rhinestones and colors of vintage costume jewelry always lend themselves to a pretty pick-me-up for design.
A vintage 1950s Stanley Hagler pin available for purchase on our website.

Cross my heart.
Religious symbols such as crosses have been worn as sacred adornment for centuries. If you were lucky enough to see the Heavenly Bodies show at the Metropolitan Museum of Art’s Costume Institute in 2018, the entire exhibit was about the influence of the Catholic Church on fashion throughout the ages.
A signed ART clear glass, faux pearl and turquoise bead cross pendant necklace that has sold from our collection.

Souvenirs from the past.
Are you getting tired of the cold and planning a warm vacation? Or do you have a favorite place to escape to the country or beach? Historically, jewelry and decorative items have acted as mementos to remember special trips.
Shop mini manicure sets and charms in the Objects page of our website.

Like other art forms, fashion and jewelry are influenced by the discoveries and news of the day. One recurring theme of fashion is ancient Egypt and the heroine Cleopatra.

Space-age style.
The Cold War between the United States and the Soviet Union in the 1950s-60s brought nuclear bomb drills to elementary schools and a race to dominate space and be the first to reach the moon. This competitive science had a heavy influence on the fashion and jewelry of those periods.

Fashion history repeats itself.
On an Instagram stories quiz, I asked my followers to try to date when the following drawing in my collection was from: 1929, 1968, or 1985. This was a trick question, as each of these time periods actually influenced the next.

Hooray for confetti!
Confetti is everywhere now: Funfetti cakes and sparkle manicures bring a celebration to everything from food to fashion. This party vibe has been around for quite a while in jewelry with confetti glass.

Behind the scenes.
It takes an entire team to do a photo shoot and in the late summer of 2020, we were able to have it. Often, it is a team effort to style on the spot and decide what looks best with the outfit, model, makeup and hairstyle. I love the creative collaborative process.

A small business lesson.
A stylist had borrowed my jewelry for multiple magazine photo shoots. Despite telling him how to attribute my pieces for the credits, a strange thing would happen. In lesser-known publications, he was fine with accurately tagging my company as I had instructed from the start, and telling the magazines and photographers how to attribute the jewelry in the captions.